The Head of TCC
is R&D Institute of Green-ship specialized for developing the related core technologies and performing test & evaluation of ship equipment in the ship-building and shipping industry.
Currently, the strengthening of marine environmental regulations, the energy efficiency of shipping and the development of green-ship equipments are heightened international attention, and it is urgently required to build up the domestic technical capacity in the green-ship industry.
To achieve the goal, TCC will be valuable part of a national infrastructure capable of supporting green-ship technologies R&D and the Test & Certifying for prototype products with testing and evaluation facility performing high-fuel efficiency and low pollution.
In addition, we will continue to promote change and innovation to become a hub of international green-ship technology by developing procedure & standard of green-ship based domestic technology.
On the basis of the accumulated infrastructure, we will do our best to make a leap forward as a R&D center that have sustainable growth and international competitiveness.
The head of TCC center