그린쉽 기자재 시험·인증센터
Green Ship Test & Certification Center
선박엔진 연구동
저속 엔진 실험실
대형 선박엔진용 배기가스 모니터링 시스템
Emission monitoring system for ocean going vessels
: Marsic300
: Germany
: Sick
보유기관 |
Korean Register |
활용분야 |
Test, evaluation and R&D |
설치장소 |
Greenship TCC, Low Speed Engine Cell |
사용용도 I |
선박용 엔진 배출가스 측정 |
사용용도 II |
후처리장치 성능평가 |
- 1) Measuring technology : Hot-wet extractive, no condensation
- 2) Measuring points : Measurement before and/or after aftertreatment system(SCR, Scrubber, etc)
- 3) Number of measuring point : At least, two points
- 4) Measuring component : NO, NO2, SO2, NH3, CO2, CO, H2O and O2
- 5) Sample line (2 set(lines & probes, respectively)): > 15 meters, Maximum heating temp: 200℃
- 6) Response time(T90) : <140s, component-specific base on certification
- 7) Measuring principle
- - NOx : CLD or HCLD or other methods certified with ICAS member according to NTC 2008
- - SO2 : NDIR or NUDV
- - CO2 : NDIR
- 8) Measuring range
- - CO2 : Max. 25 vol.%
- - SO2 : Max. 2,000 ppm
- - NO : Max. 2,000 ppm
- - NO2 : Max. 500 ppm
- - CO : Max. 2,000 ppm
- - NH3 : Max. 500 ppm
- - O2 : Max. 21 vol.%
- - H2O : Max. 40 vol.%
- 9) Accuracy : <2% of measuring range full scale